antique desk




We have multiple auctions that offer a broad selection of furniture. Our Oak & Country sales mainly feature early, heavily carved pieces which are gothic in appearance as well as select pieces of pine furniture. Our Antiques & Interior sales tend to span the 18th century through to 20th century, including Georgian, Victorian & Edwardian furniture. Our weekly Home and Garden sales also always include at least a few pieces of furniture.

We are passionate about the recycling and rehoming of quality furniture that passes through our auction house and are constantly finding new ways to appeal to new buyers. We have a well-established client base with regular buyers based all over the UK and abroad.

Auction highlights include a Chippendale bookcase that sold for £230,000 in the 1980's to more recent successes like this 20th century Robert ‘Mouseman’ Thompson sideboard which sold for £14,000 and a very fine 19th century parcel-gilt Johnstone & Jeanes table which sold for £9,000. Every piece is well researched and catalogued in order to achieve the best price on the day for the seller.






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Antique & Interiors

Antique & Interiors

Results and highlights



Contact our specialist


Kevin Baker

Head of Antiques & Interior Sale

01736 361 414





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